Duta Course Say.....

Hai... Wellcome to Duta course area .....
You will find what you search here....

Jumat, 05 Juni 2009

Sejarah DutaCourse Tanjungbalai

Duta Course

Duta Course is the most exciting course which ever there in Tanjungbalai. It strode in English Education Word since 2004. We really appreciate whoever involved in establishing it. The most Important, There is no Success withour Risk and Dont try to get the Risk if you have no Preparation and Make all THe preparation even you dont have to take the Risk.
actually English is as simple as learning the other languages. but you must remember!
What ever the measurement, it's dute to you. you must be able to control your self first.Appreciate every problem that you have because it is the real wealth that you have. then enjoy the result.And after getting it, the world is yours...........

come on, check your ability in english by click this link,..... buruann

Gratisan Musik

Bagi para siswa - siswi yang telah bergabung di DEEC tanjungbalai. kalian dapat memberikan pertanyaan kalian online dengan DEEC dengan cara Mempost kan di kotak bawah ini...


Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

border gratisan ms word

Click aja gambar diatas by DUTA.

ingin test your English

English Lesson

English Secret of learnedDuta


Bahasa inggris merupakan pelajaran yang primer bagi seorang siswa sekarang ini.
Namun, Banyak kelemahan yang diumpan siswa sebagai alasan mengapa mereka tidak mempelajari bahasa inggris.
Kesalahan hanya ada pada tingkat ke inginan para siswa dan kemampuan pihak penyedia layanan pendidikan dalam menginfluence para siswa agara lebih baik.